At BGSVS, safety and security is the utmost concern as we believe that every individual deserves a secure environment that encourages to Enjoy, Explore, Enquire and Enlighten themselves freely. In order to ensure the same we have implemented effective high – technology security systems that keep the school campus safe.

Safety of school children in school premises:
- During the break or any such time, teachers monitor the campus as per the duty register. All unbecoming disciplinary issues are addressed, and an environment of integrity is encouraged.
- Regular evacuation drills are conducted.
- All staff members keep children under supervision at all times for their safety and security.
- School and classroom rules are put in place through regular discussions with the students to help them understand the importance of safety, security and hygiene.
- Children in school buses are accompanied and supervised by our trained support staff.
- First-aid kit and fire safety equipment is available in all our school buses.
- I-cards are issued to students and Staff which they must wear at all times in the school as well as on school trips.
- Parent I-cards issued by the school must be shown at the time of pick-up either from the school or the bus-stop.
- In case of a field trip, outstation trip or an event outside the campus, children are accompanied by teachers.
- We ensure arrival and departure of visitors is monitored through visitor cards and gate passes issued by the security staff and school administrative staff.