10 Coronavirus Myths You Should Not Believe In
posted on Apr 27, 2020
Pandemic is a time when people live in fear. And pandemic is also the time when people spread rumours. When someone provides a ray of hope, people tend to hold on to it as the last straw and fake information around any crisis start spreading like a wildfire without control

Pandemic is a time when people live in fear. And pandemic is also the time when people spread rumours. When someone provides a ray of hope, people tend to hold on to it as the last straw and fake information around any crisis start spreading like a wildfire without control. The current coronavirus pandemic is no different. You surely have heard or been advised to follow a list of myths to protect yourself from the COVID-19 infection. Let us bust those here and provide you with real information so that you can follow the actual routines that can really protect you against the current novel coronavirus.
COVID-19 is a deadly disease
On the contrary, it is an infectious disease. Tuberculosis, malaria and Ebola are deadly diseases. People around the world are getting easily infected with the COVID-19 but as per the World Health Organisation, almost 80% of the cases are mild and curable. The top schools in Greater Noida are advising students to stay at home as the chances of catching and spreading the infection is very high.
Young people are safe from the virus
Children as young as a few months old are also catching the COVID-19. Hence, there is no reason to believe that young people cannot catch the virus. Yes, the risk of the virus turning into something fatal is low among the young crowd but they can still end up in hospitals where life-support can become necessary.
Wearing a mask will keep you safe
Untrue. Masks are meant for medical professionals who remain in direct contact with infected patients. And they are used by infected patients to keep the infection inside. Plus, if you are using a mask, a random cover will not help. You will need masks that tightly fit around your nose and mouth with no gap of any sort.
COVID-19 causes dry cough only
The latest coronavirus causes symptoms similar to the common cold or flu. You may have a runny nose, moderate fever, sore throat, and mucus-laden cough. It is thus easy to confuse the COVID-19 infection with the common cold and staying at home with the misconception is not suggested at all.
Garlic and turmeric keep the virus away
As the best school in Noida Extension will teach you, garlic and turmeric are mere immunity boosters. They are not the cures of the current coronavirus. Everyone should refrain from administering home remedies if the symptoms of COVID-19 become pronounce and seek medical help immediately.
Antibiotics will cure COVID-19
The answer is in the name. It is a virus. Antibiotics are for bacteria. You might read that patients are being given antibiotics but that is to restrict the accompanying bacterial infection of the lungs that come with COVID-19. Do not start taking any random antibiotic if you are feeling feverish or having cold.
Mosquitos and chicken can spread the coronavirus
There is no medical evidence as of now to suggest that mosquitos, chicken, dogs or cats are responsible for spreading the coronavirus among humans. Currently, the transmission has only been human to human. Mosquitos spread malaria and dengue. And chickens are responsible for bird flu.
Having hot water kills the virus
Our bodies are capable of regulating the internal temperature no matter what you are doing to increase it. So, it might feel that having hot water or taking a hot shower will kill the virus but our bodies will maintain the internal temperature at 35 degrees where the virus thrives. No such external effort works.
India’s summer will surely kill the coronavirus
Unfortunately, it cannot. WHO has reported that the virus can survive in hot and humid conditions. Even the cold and snow of the mountains are not enough to contain its spread. Proper personal hygiene like washing your hands frequently is the only way of staying safe and it is pointless to wait for the weather to change.
The virus cannot stay on your clothes
In fact, the latest coronavirus can survive on the fabric of our clothes for several hours. And if the surface is hard, like the screen of the mobile phone or the doorknob of your house, it can stay alive for more than a few days. Again, washing hands before eating and not touching your face is crucial.
The BGS Vijnatham school, one of the top schools in noida extension, is staying vigilant in these turmoil times. Building rationality among its students through education has always been the school’s primary goal and that sense will be tested now. Schools also stand at the forefront to do their bit for the society. It is here that awareness and information rise and the students become the community’s agents of carrying the required messages.